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Hundreds of Stories a Day

Hundreds of Stories A Day, Hundreds of Lives Saved

12:00 - 12:59 AM

12:00 – 12:59 AM

12:06 AM A 19-year-old male accidentally ingested a plastic container with silica gel while trying to take his night medication in the dark.
12:10 AM A 62-year-old calling concerned because she ingested 20 to 30 Ester-C (vitamin C) Gummies.
12:34 AM A mother accidentally gave 1 teaspoon of Children’s Benadryl D (diphenhydramine, phenylephrine) instead of the regular Benadryl (diphenhydramine).
12:38 AM An aunt reported that her 3-year-old, 35lb nephew possibly ingested a taste of Acrylic Nail Liquid.
12:51 AM  A woman is calling after discovering that her cat may have ingested 1/2 tablet of tramadol 50mg.
12:54 AM  A father called because his healthy 2-year-old got a hold of Boudreaux butt paste diaper rash cream and ingested about a mouthful.
12:55 AM  Doctor at an emergency department reported a 21-year-old male who ingested at least 50 tabs of acetaminophen 500mg in apparent self harm.

1:00 - 1:59 AM

1:00 – 1:59 AM

1:05 AM Dad called after finding his 8-month-old son chewing on a pregnancy test stick with the cap off.
1:14 AM Caller wanted to know what titanium dioxide is.
1:15 AM Emergency department calling about a 17-year-old male who ingested an unknown medication in attempt to self-harm.

2:00 - 2:59 AM

2:00 – 2:59 AM

2:12 AM Emergency department calling for a consultation about a 37-year-old male who intentionally overdosed on his antidepressant.
2:46 AM Emergency department calling for a consultation about a 57-year-old male who intentionally overdosed on 2 different types of antidepressant medication.
2:46 AM Nurse at an emergency department reported a case of a 37-year-old male who in attempts to avoid arrest reportedly ingested 9 grams of methamphetamine.

3:00 - 3:59 AM

3:00 – 3:59 AM

3:21 AM A caller asking what the CBD milligram equivalency to oxycodone 7.5mg/acetaminophen 325mg.

4:00 - 4:59 AM

4:00 – 4:59 AM


5:00 - 5:59 AM

5:00 – 5:59 AM

5:49 AM Adult calling about taking an accidental double dose of her therapeutic amphetamine.

6:00 - 6:59 AM

6:00 – 6:59 AM

6:08 AM Caller asking about cough medication compatibility with breast feeding.
6:39 AM Adult male caller concerned about accidentally ingesting some Gatorade mixed with 1/2oz of glycerin.

7:00 - 7:59 AM

7:00 – 7:59 AM

7:07 AM Emergency department doctor calling about a 9-year-old male with tick bites from 2 weeks prior.
7:14 AM Mom calling because she gave her 5-year-old son a dicyclomine 20mg tab instead of his montelukast.
7:33 AM Pet owner called because his 14-month-old small poodle dog ate 1 ibuprofen 200mg tab.
7:47 AM Mom calling because her 9-year-old son accidentally got twice the recommended amount of his pain medication.
7:49 AM School nurse called after giving a 7-year-old a second dose of Adderall (amphetamine salts) 15mg after mom had already given one dose of Adderall 15mg at home.

8:00 - 8:59 AM

8:00 – 8:59 AM

8:05 AM Mom called about her 13-month-old daughter who might have swallowed a mouthful of rubbing alcohol.
8:07 AM Mom calling whose 21-month-old got an adult Gummy Vitamin instead of her own Gummy Vitamin.
8:09 AM Mom says her 2-year-old boy was found with an opened bottle of diltiazem SR 180mg tabs 1 hr ago. Other medications also potentially missing: aspirin 325mg and atorvastatin 10mg tablet.
8:11 AM Mom said she accidentally gave her 2-year-old & 3-year-old girls 1 teaspoon each of their older sister’s children’s cold & cough (brompheniramine, dextromethorphan, phenylephrine) medicine instead of their Hylands cough & cold medicine.
8:30 AM Emergency department nurse calling about a 52-year-old who intentionally took 6 tabs of his blood pressure medicine.
8:37 AM Dad called after his 2-year-old accidentally ingested 1 tablet of ibuprofen 200mg.
8:40 AM Emergency department doctor requesting his 48-year-old male patient be seen for a potential evaluation for the Grady Suboxone Clinic due to his heroin addiction.
8:45 AM Mom called because her 18-month-old daughter swallowed a magna doodle magnet that was about the size of pencil tip.
8:54 AM Caller concerned because she found a spilled container of sand like texture rat poison D-Con mouse killer on the floor. Caller not sure how it got there and some got on her arm.
8:56 AM Mom says her 7-month-old boy got a taste of hydrocortisone cream 5 minutes ago.
8:57 AM School nurse calling about a 16-year-old student who had accidentally ingested some of the juice of a nicotine spit cup.

9:00 - 9:59 AM

9:00 – 9:59 AM

9:03 AM Dad called regarding his 13-month-old daughter that may have gotten a sip of Isagenix Airway essential oils.
9:05 AM Caller wondering if Benadryl (diphenhydramine) causes high blood pressure.
9:16 AM Mom calling because her healthy 13-month-old, 25lb son got a taste of AAA battery corrosion from a remote he put in his mouth 15 minutes ago.
9:16 AM Mom calling about 18-month-old who found a laundry pod under the dresser and one portion is missing.
9:29 AM Emergency department nurse calling about 52-year-old who intentionally took 6 tabs of his blood pressure medicine.
9:30 AM Emergency department nurse said patient ingested handful of buspirone tablets.

10:00 - 10:59 AM

10:00 – 10:59 AM

10:14 AM A 63-year-old thinks he might have adverse side effects from correctly taking his prescription anticoagulant medication.
10:22 AM Emergency department nurse calling because a 19-year-old male overdosed on of his clonazepam, taking 20-25 tablets.
10:30 AM Caller rents out a basement and is concerned about an oppressive odor similar to a skunk that permeates upstairs and would like to know if it might be Skunk Weed.
10:31 AM A 20-year-old female called after ingesting around a tablespoonful of Sun Triple Clean Oxi laundry detergent from a water bottle.
10:45 AM Mom said 3-year-old son possibly ate 1 missing oral contraceptive tablet.
10:52 AM A 911 dispatch has a unit in route to a home of a 74-year-old man who intentionally ingested an unknown amount of antifreeze 5-10 minutes ago.
10:54 AM Emergency department nurse calling because a 20-year-old female overdosed on 60 tablets of Xanax (alprazolam) and two handfuls of Tylenol (acetaminophen) 9 hours ago.
10:57 AM Father calling about his 3-week old child who accidentally was fed concentrated baby formula the past 24 hours.

11:00 - 11:59 AM

11:00 – 11:59 AM

11:05 AM Nurse called from the emergency department because a patient may have overdosed on several medications.
11:27 AM A mother called about her 2-year-old daughter that poured some Purell hand sanitizer over her head and some got in her eyes.
11:40 AM Caller wanting to know how to kill no-see-ums(Ceratopogonidae).
11:57 AM Nurse from a care facility calling because a 67-year-old resident ingested two small pumps of hand sanitizer.
11:58 AM Mother called after son had attempted CPR on his pet rat and got a taste of blood in his mouth.

12:00 - 12:59 PM

12:00 – 12:59 PM

12:01 PM A mother of an 18-month-old daughter calling due to a potential ingested taste of unknown industrial strength floor cleaner.
12:03 PM Emergency department calling about a 23-year-old female that overdosed on Percocet (oxycodone and acetaminophen) and Zofran (ondansetron) this morning in a suicide attempt.
12:09 PM Nurse from an emergency department calling for recommendations for a 28-year-old female who ingested approximately 30-50mg Sleep Aid (diphenhydramine) and an unknown amount of ethyl alcohol.
12:12 PM Dog chewed on a tube of paint that came with child’s craft toy and tore apart a HP yellow ink cartridge.
12:14 PM Caller found a pill in his home and wanted it identified.
12:15 PM EMT en route to site of a patient who may have ingested an unknown amount of Xanax (alprazolam).
12:18 PM Caller accidentally brushed teeth with Trixaicin (capsaicin) instead of toothpaste.
12:34 PM Caller was looking for an infectious disease doctor.
12:42 PM Caller concerned about air duct cleaner mixing bleach with Fabuloso and pouring it into their HVAC system.
12:47 PM Adult woman called because after picking up the wrong bottle she accidentally put ear drops in her eyes.

1:00 - 1:59 PM

1:00 – 1:59 PM

1:03 PM Emergency department calling about a 19-year-old male that overdosed on metoprolol, atorvastatin, and tramadol 20 minutes ago in suicide attempt.
1:08 PM Another regional poison control center calling to let our poison center know of a male caller who was bitten by a raccoon last night on his foot.
1:12 PM A mother concerned about strange salty tasting spaghetti-o’s that she fed to her 2-year-old daughter.
1:31 PM A hospital doctor has a 55-year-old female who was found down after potentially ingesting approximately 76 Percocet (oxycodone and acetaminophen) 10/325 sporadically within 6 days time.
1:36 PM A 49-year-old woman calling about natural gas inhalation from a malfunctioning oven.
1:40 PM A nurse in the emergency department has a patient that possibly took his newly filled prescription medicines incorrectly & and concerned of an overdose.
1:44 PM A father called after he found his 2-year-old with a bottle of kerosene with residue on his face, shirt, and hair.
1:48 PM A mother called about her 22-month-old daughter that ate a tiny bite of some dried packing foam from a refrigerator.

2:00 - 2:59 PM

2:00 – 2:59 PM

2:05 PM Owner of a dog calling because the pup chewed a tube of artist paint.
2:07 PM Emergency department nurse calling about a 35-year-old male and a 25-year-old male who both got sprayed in the eyes with pepper spray 2 hours ago.
2:15 PM Adult male calling stating he ate a small piece of aluminum foil that was stuck to bottom of his pizza.
2:18 PM An 18-year-old 172lb male ingested a taste of ethyl alcohol mouthwash 5 min. ago while gargling.
2:21 PM Veterinarian called about concerns of rabies in a never before vaccinated cat that was attacked by an unknown animal.
2:22 PM Emergency department doctor calling about a 47-year-old male brought in for presumed ethyl alcohol and salicylate intoxication.
2:24 PM A mom calling about a 5-month-old that sucked on a Lysol Mango and Hibiscus Disinfecting Wipe.
2:25 PM Adult male calling stated he drank a pint of antiseptic mouth wash to get intoxicated and is worried he has harmed himself.
2:26 PM Mom called about 4-year-old who ingested Liquid Stitch permanent adhesive.
2:39 PM Caller wanting clarification about correct use of Proctozone-HC (hydrocortisone) 2.5% cream and warning “for external use only”.
2:40 PM Doctor calling from the emergency department regarding a mother who is slightly symptomatic and her daughter who is asymptomatic due to carbon monoxide exposure over the past 1.5 week.
2:42 PM Mom calling about her 2-year old that ingested his own diarrhea.
2:52 PM Call from a hospital regarding an 18-year-old female who intentionally ingested about 50 tablets of an old acetaminophen bottle, 500mg.
2:54 PM Caller accidentally drank hydrogen peroxide 3% that was put into a water bottle.

3:00 - 3:59 PM

3:00 – 3:59 PM

3:00 PM Caller for a 15-year-old friend who swallowed a small amount of body lotion by mistake.
3:04 PM Caller is a law enforcement officer who wanted a few pills to be identified after a traffic stop.
3:05 PM Hospital called about a 68-year-old alcoholic that arrived lethargic at 2am today and the doctor is concerned about unusually low sodium.
3:11 PM Mom calling about her 22-month-old son that drank some water mixed with dish soap.
3:25 PM Mom calling for her 13-month-old daughter who took a bite of a remnant of a fire starter log from the fireplace after it had been used.
3:32 PM **BUTT DIAL**
3:33 PM Mom calling about her 4-year-old daughter that got into her bottle of cetirizine and drank it all.
3:38 PM Mom calling for her 22-month-old son who has ingested a sip of 100% acetone nail polish remover about 2 minutes ago.

4:00 - 4:59 PM

4:00 – 4:59 PM

4:03 PM Doctor calling for a 19-year-old female who reported taking 24 tabs of Benadryl (diphenhydramine) 25mg last night in a suicide attempt.
4:10 PM Mom calling via 911 about her 7-year-old daughter ingesting a mouthful of Shout Laundry stain remover from a sprite can.
4:12 PM Dad calling because his 2-year-old son got some Clorox toilet bowl cleaner on his fingers and tasted his hands.
4:19 PM Nurse calling from the emergency department, 2-year-old female had the parent’s cyclobenzaprine 10mg bottle, total 9 missing and parents are unable to know how many were taken prior, as it was an old prescription.
4:23 PM Caller was trying to help the pet store employee catch a feeder mouse and they were both bitten in the process.
4:37 PM Caller states her dog got into some hair dye and ingested it.
4:55 PM Owner calling about her 54lb female dog that possibly ate part of a Dracaena Draco plant in her house.

5:00 - 5:59 PM

5:00 – 5:59 PM

5:02 PM Mom calling because her 12-year-old daughter took a 200mg ibuprofen and then shortly afterward drank 10ml of Children’s acetaminophen with 160mg/5ml.
5:05 PM An EMT called about a 29-year-old male who recently overdosed on his tramadol.
5:05 PM A mom calling for her 4-year-old 54lb daughter who has ingested a taste of boric acid “homemade slime activator” about 5 minutes ago.
5:06 PM A mother called after finding her 2-year-old son with an open bottle of Excedrin Migraine (acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine).
5:07 PM An owner of a 5-month-old dog, called stating 30 minutes ago it chewed up a container of Cutter Concentrate Insect Killer and possibly ingested some of the pesticide.
5:10 PM A mom calling because her 3-year-old daughter ingested 4-6 Claritin (loratadine) 5mg chewable tablets.
5:13 PM A nurse practitioner calling from doctors office, about an 18 year that got a horse and stable insecticide on her while spraying her horses and chickens a few days ago.
5:32 PM An aunt reported that her 2-year-old, 22lb niece possibly ingested one potassium chloride 20mEq tablet that belonged to the child’s mother.
5:40 PM A caller’s dog ingested a mini Rubbermaid blue ice pack.
5:41 PM Mom calling about her 21-month-old daughter eating a corner piece of a printed cardboard picture.
5:45 PM A mom of an 11-month-old boy, calls in about 10 minutes after he has ingested 1 – 2 tastes of a Bath Bomb, a scented bath soap product.
5:48 PM An emergency department calling about a 27-year-old male who intentionally ingests 4 tablets of Abilify (aripiprazole) 20mg.
5:49 PM A mom reported that her 8-year-old, 126lb son possibly inhaled 2 puffs of her Breo Inhaler (fluticasone and vilanterol) 100mcg.
5:58 PM A mom calling because her 2-year-old daughter had a 20mg omeprazole capsule in her mouth and ingested about 1/4 of it.
5:59 PM A 26 year old female calling to report a new development regarding breathing symptoms, as she cooked with an electric smoker outside her front door yesterday for 7 hours.

6:00 - 6:59 PM

6:00 – 6:59 PM

6:00 PM A caller states her friend’s 8-month-old dog got a taste of a bleach/water mixture.
6:02 PM Mother called after realizing the pharmacy did not properly reconstitute her child’s cefdinir antibiotic.
6:02 PM Mom calls with questions concerning breastfeeding & taking Flagyl (metronidazole) at the same time.
6:05 PM A 22-year-old male was opening a package of tattoo ink and some splashed in his mouth.
6:09 PM A nurse from the ED calling about a 56-year-old female who possibly overdosed on Lortab (hydrocodone/acetaminophen), Xanax (alprazolam), and Zanaflex (tizanidine).
6:13 PM A 26-year-old female was accidentally exposed to a small amount of diluted bleach water, in corner of one eye about 10 minutes ago.
6:14 PM A nurse from an emergency department calling about a 22-year-old female who presented with respiratory symptoms after cleaning with a bleach and vinegar solution at home.
6:16 PM A mom calling for her 12-month-old son who ingested a taste of a silica gel packet about 5 minutes ago.
6:17 PM A 14-month-old female ingested one 5mg Claritin (loratadine) tablet that mom had dropped on the floor.
6:21 PM A woman is calling after inadvertently using Hibiclens (chlorhexidine) antiseptic as a mouthwash instead of her chlorhexidine oral rinse.
6:22 PM A mom calls in about 15 minutes after finding out that her 5-year-old son ingested about 48 Sundown Natural Multi-Vitamin Gummies.
6:26 PM Grandmother calling because 2-year-old grandson ingested some of a flea and tick shampoo product.
6:27 PM A mom calling about giving her 4-day-old, 6lb baby a 0.6mL dose of Mylicon (simethicone) drops instead of 0.3mL dose.
6:32 PM A doctor calling about an 82-year-old female on dapsone who presents with hypoxia and methemoglobinemia.
6:35 PM A mom states that her 2-year-old daughter may have ingested 24mg of a melatonin product.
6:39 PM Call from a mother regarding her 9-month-old daughter, who may have been exposed to a small drop of mom’s hair bleach in the corner of the baby’s eye when she found her playing with the bottle.
6:41 PM An emergency department doctor calling concerned about chronic acetaminophen toxicity in a 49-year-old female who has been ingesting 2 bottles of Dayquil (acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, and phenylephrine) daily for the past week.
6:48 PM Mom of a 3-year-old, 34lb female calls in 1 – 2 minutes after given 5ml of Children’s Benadryl & just realized the Dr. didn’t provide a dose for her since she is younger than 5 years old.
6:56 PM A mother is calling after discovering her daughter ingested a tablet of her grandmother’s donepezil 5 mg.

7:00 - 7:59 PM

7:00 – 7:59 PM

7:03 PM A female accidentally drank a mouthful of Mr. Clean.
7:03 PM Mom calling about her 22-month-old daughter that may have eaten 20mg of melatonin.
7:03 PM Mom is calling because she gave her 2-week-old son an adult dose of vitamin D3 for 3-4 days.
7:25 PM Mom calls about 4-year-old son having eaten 7 melatonin gummies.
7:26 PM A burn center doctor reported that a 33-year-old, 210lb male was working with boron potassium nitrate (pyrotechnic initiator) when it sparked and caused a 2nd & 3rd degree burns to his arm.
7:29 PM A daughter is calling after realizing her 81-year-old mother ingested the wrong dose of gabapentin 300mg.
7:31 PM Emergency department nurse calling about 34-year-old female that overdosed on her gabapentin, melatonin, and hydrocodone with acetaminophen.
7:34 PM A mom of a 23-month-old son calls in about 10 minutes after he ingests 2 Flintstone Children’s Multi-vitamins with Iron tablets.
7:34 PM Mom found her 6-month-old daughter sucking on a Downy Fabric Softener Dryer Sheet.
7:37 PM Mother reported that her 15-month-old daughter squirted a bit of toilet bowl cleaner in her mouth, however, very little was actually ingested.
7:39 PM Nurse calling for a 2-year-old female that drank 1/2 bottle of Children’s Benadryl (diphenhydramine).
7:53 PM A mother is calling after discovering her son sucking on the wick of an Airwick Scented Oil Air Freshener.
7:58 PM Daughter calling because her mom took one Unisom sleep and immune support tab (vitamin C, zinc, and echinacea) and then another in 1.5 hrs.

8:00 - 8:59 PM

8:00 – 8:59 PM

8:00 PM A grandmother calling for her 11-year-old grandson, who accidentally took an additional dose of his Concerta (methylphenidate) this evening.
8:04 PM Parents accidentally doubled dosed their 3-year-old son with 10mg total dose of Zyrtec (cetirizine).
8:05 PM A nurse calling for a 16-month-old male whose mother found him chewing on an unknown blue pill 1 hour ago.
8:06 PM A healthcare facility calls regarding a 33-year-old male who was exposed to an industrial strength bleach to his right eye.
8:14 PM Mom calls about 10-month-old daughter who received incorrect dose of cefdinir antibiotic due to incorrect labeling at the pharmacy.
8:22 PM A mom reported that her 18-month-old, 21lb daughter bit into a Cascade Dishwashing Pac and got a taste in her mouth.
8:30 PM A caller states that their 6-year-old dog ate 2 blocks of unknown rat poison.
8:40 PM A 68-year-old woman called asking for advice after she accidentally brushed her teeth with her 1% hydrocortisone cream instead of her toothpaste.
8:44 PM **ROBO CALL** (we get about 3-4 a day!)
8:46 PM A mother reported that her 4-year-old son doubled dosed on his allergy medication and received 25mg of diphenhydramine total.
8:48 PM An urgent care calling to report a dog bite in an 8-year-old female and wanted recommendations for rabies vaccinations.
8:49 PM Healthcare facility calls in with a 3-year-old female believed to have ingested several Children’s Flintstone Multi-vitamin Complete Gummies.
8:52 PM Dad calling for his 2-year-old daughter who received 13.5mL of Infant’s ibuprofen 50mg/1.25ml instead of Children’s ibuprofen 100mg/5ml.

9:00 - 9:59 PM

9:00 – 9:59 PM

9:00 PM Dad calling for 4-year-old daughter, who punctured a stress relief ball & licked the inside contents.
9:05 PM Pet owner calling about 9-year-old dog who ingested 60 prenatal vitamins with iron.
9:07 PM Emergency department nurse calling about 18-year-old male that overdosed on his Lexapro (escitalopram) and Seroquel (quetiapine).
9:08 PM Caller asks if she can take her Benadryl (diphenhydramine) tonight since she took 1 tablet of naproxen 500mg at about 5pm.
9:09 PM An 83-year-old woman called because she accidentally took 3 of her benzonatate 100mg tablets instead of only 1.
9:11 PM Internal medicine doctor calling about elevated aspirin level in a 62-year-old female.
9:15 PM Doctor calling for a 63-year-old female who had a carbon monoxide exposure, after turning on the heat in her house for 1 hour.
9:17 PM Mom calls in about 10 mins after her 2-year-old son accidentally received 15mL of Children’s Benadryl (diphenhydramine).
9:17 PM Doctor calling from emergency department for 20-year-old male who had antifreeze splash in both eyes.
9:22 PM Mom calling about her 5-year-old daughter, who got some of the contents of AA batteries on her hands after the family dog chewed it up.
9:32 PM A mom calls about 14-month-old who may have consumed at max, 1/2 pellet of rat poison that was placed by pest control 2 days ago.
9:35 PM A mom reporting that she accidentally gave 1 tablespoon of Children’s Tylenol Suspension (acetaminophen) to her 3-year-old daughter instead of a smaller dose.
9:39 PM Dad states his 5 month old son ate at most, a taste of nystatin ointment.
9:40 PM Mom of a 2 year old male calls in about 5 mins after the child ingests 2 Orignal Strength All-Day Allergy Relief tablets (cetirizine).
9:40 PM Dad states that 8 month old son slipped in tub and ingested half mouthful of Baby Aveeno Eczema Treatment.
9:41 PM Nurse calling from a hospital about 15 year old male who ingested about 1/4 bottle of toilet bowl cleanser in attempt to self-harm.
9:45 PM Owner of a puppy called for advice after finding out that the pup had ingested a unknown amount of a rat poison bait block.
9:45 PM A mom reported that both she and her husband gave their 2 year old, 30lb son 2 melatonin Chewables Tablets unknowingly instead of 1 tablet.
9:51 PM A mother is calling after finding her 2 year old son with one tablet of Excedrin (acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine) in his mouth.
9:52 PM A 37 year old woman calls about possible exposure to carbon monoxide, propane tank was left on without the pilot light on in the enclosed sunroom since late morning today.
9:59 PM A father of a 4 year old girl reported that she may have ingested some of her older siblings lip balm.

10:00 - 10:59 PM

10:00 – 10:59 PM

10:00 PM Mom concerned about breastfeeding while on oseltamivir & cefdinir.
10:05 PM Mom calling for her 14-month-old 23lb daughter who received coffee in her sippy cup instead of almond milk by mistake.
10:11 PM Hospital called in regarding a 63-year-old male who was exposed to Bravo 720 (a fungicide) to both eyes.
10:12 PM A mom reported that her 2-year-old, 30lb son spilled most of a used 2 oz bottle of melatonin 1mg/mL but may have swallowed some, as well.
10:18 PM A25-year-old female called for advice after she had inhaled some sulfuric acid earlier in the day while conducting a classroom experiment.
10:20 PM A hospital nurse calling about 3-year-old female with a bite from her puppy.
10:22 PM Emergency department calling for consultation regarding a 32-year-old male who intenionally overdosed on his sedatives.
10:22 PM A 67-year-old male’s blood pressure medication dosages changed today and he inadvertently took the incorrect strength.
10:32 PM Mom calling for her 2-year-old son who has ingested about 1 mouthful of witch hazel about 5 minutes ago.
10:34 PM A father is calling after discovering that his 2-year-old daughter ate some of the wrapper that her Taco Bell Taco was wrapped in.
10:37 PM Doctor from an emergency room calls about a 15-year-old female who self-reports taking 21 Tylenol (acetaminophen) tablets last night at 10pm in an attempt to self-harm.
10:40 PM A hospital about a 22-year-old male who ingested a handful of Benadryl (diphenhydramine) tablets.
10:43 PM A doctor calling for unknown male patient in his 30’s, who was found in the street very agitated… determined to have overdose on “Triple C” (clorpheniramine, acetaminophen, and dextromethorphan).
10:48 PM Caller is a law enforcement officer who wanted a pill to be identified after making an arrest.
10:49 PM Grandmother calling after finding her grandson eating some Alka-Selzer (calcium carbonate) 750mg Heartburn Relief Chewables tablets.
10:50 PM A 66-year-old 190lb female mistakenly read the dosage of acetaminophen 500mg thinking they were 150mg each and over a 6-hr period took 14 tablets to treat her post-surgical pain.
10:56 PM Mother reported that her 2-year-old old son ingested approximately 2 Tums (calcium carbonate) tablets.
10:58 PM Caller found pill in her car and wanted it identified.
10:59 PM A hosptial called to report a 46-year-old female, who ingested a handful of hydroxyzine 10mg, 25mg, and 50mg tablets.

11:00 - 11:59 PM

11:00 – 11:59 PM

11:00 PM Woman calling for her boyfriend’s son who ingested a small amount of topical lice mousse during treatment.
11:05 PM A nurse from the emergency department called about a 48-year-old female who took a “handful” of Effexor (venlafaxine) and Xanax (alprazolam) in an attempt to self-harm.10:06 PM Nurse calling from a local hospital to report a 2-year-old male who drank 15 mL of concentrated ibuprofen liquid.
11:21 PM A 24-year-old female is calling concerned because she is feeling dizzy and nauseous after applying some paint thinner earlier while at work.
11:24 PM Mother reported that her 12-year-old son ingested one tramadol 100 mg tablet by mistake instead of acetaminophen.
11:30 PM A healthy 7-year-old mistakenly thought fiber gummies were the real gummy bear candy and ingested about 25 gummies. Parents followed the instruction on label to call Poison Center if there was an overdose.
11:32 PM A 53-year-old female calls to ask if her shower could be causing some kind of chemical burn due to her sensitive skin.
11:32 PM A nurse calling from a children’s hospital to report a 14-year-old female who ingested unknown quantity and strength of melatonin last night.
11:41 PM A 911-transfer to poison control reported a wife who is concerned over her 71-year-old husband taking his nightly meds twice by accident, buspirone 20mg, hydrocodone 20mg, and oxybutynin.